Provide text alternatives in image maps [H24]

Test info
Possible Results

Test info

Test for Success Criterion 2.4.4


Checked Elements: area
This test checks, if the area elements in image maps have an alternative text that describes the target of the link.

Short Description

An image map is an image divided into selectable regions defined by area elements (each area is a link). It is important to provide an alternative text in the area element, that serves the same purpose as the selectable area of the image. Specifying alternate text assists users without graphic display terminals, users whose browsers don't support forms, visually impaired users, those who use speech synthesizers, those who have configured their graphical user agents not to display images, etc.

How to Repair

Provide a text in the alt attribute of the area element that serves the same purpose as the selectable area of the image.

WCAG 2.0

Principle 2: Operable
User interface components and navigation must be operable. WCAG 2.0: Principle 2
Guideline 2.4: Navigable
Provide ways to help users navigate, find content, and determine where they are. Understanding Guideline 2.4
Success Criterion 2.4.4: Link Purpose (In Context) (Level A)
The purpose of each link can be determined from the link text alone or from the link text together with its programmatically determined link context , except where the purpose of the link would be ambiguous to users in general . Understanding: Success Criterion 2.4.4

Possible Results

Failed The link text of the area seems to be suspicious

The alternative text of the area in the image map seems to be a default or placeholder text instead of a proper description of the selectable area.

Failed H24-altempty-fail2


Failed The area has no alternative text

There is no alternative text for the area of the image map that could serve the same purpose as the selectable area of the image.

Passed Please check the link text of the area

Human input is necessary to verify, that the alternative text of the area serves the same purpose as the selectable area of the image.