Use alt on img elements [H37]
Test infoPossible Results
Test info
Test for Success Criterion 1.1.1
Checked Elements: img
This test checks to see that all images actually have alt-tags.
Short Description
For each img element a short and descriptive text alternative (alt text) with the alt attribute should be specified.
WCAG 2.0
- Principle 1: Perceivable
Information and user interface components must be presentable to users in ways they can perceive.
WCAG 2.0: Principle 1 - Guideline 1.1: Text Alternatives
- Provide text alternatives for any non-text content so that it can be changed into other forms people need, such as large print, braille, speech, symbols or simpler language. Understanding Guideline 1.1
- Success Criterion 1.1.1: Non-text Content (Level A)
Non-text Content: All non-text content that is presented to the user has a text alternative that serves the equivalent purpose, except for the situations listed below. (Level A).
- Controls, Input: If non-text content is a control or accepts user input, then it has a name that describes its purpose. (Refer to Guideline 4.1 for additional requirements for controls and content that accepts user input.) Time-Based Media: If non-text content is time-based media, then text alternatives at least provide descriptive identification of the non-text content. (Refer to Guideline 1.2 for additional requirements for media.)
- Test: If non-text content is a test or exercise that would be invalid if presented in text, then text alternatives at least provide descriptive identification of the non-text content.
- Sensory: If non-text content is primarily intended to create a specific sensory experience, then text alternatives at least provide descriptive identification of the non-text content.
- CAPTCHA: If the purpose of non-text content is to confirm that content is being accessed by a person rather than a computer, then text alternatives that identify and describe the purpose of the non-text content are provided, and alternative forms of CAPTCHA using output modes for different types of sensory perception are provided to accommodate different disabilities.
- Decoration, Formatting, Invisible: If non-text content is pure decoration, is used only for visual formatting, or is not presented to users, then it is implemented in a way that it can be ignored by assistive technology.
- Techniques
Possible Results
img has no alt
Images have not alt attribute
img has alt
Images have alt attribute